Friday, December 18, 2009

just wishing and hoping and thinking and praying

he collected beauty and fell in love with it.
She collected love and found it beautiful.
it was only a matter of time before their paths crossed.

She stood, her calves pressed against the cold stone of the fountain behind her. Her eyes squeezed shut as she pressed the quarter held between her thumbs and pointers to her lips for luck.
One Mississippi... Two Mississippi...
She flung the coin over her head, opening her eyes when she heard it plop into the water, turning around to see it float down to join the other wishes. To rest. To wait. To commiserate. With a final deep breath, she adjusted her hat and scarf and turned from the fountain, leaving that nagging hope behind her.

11:05. he closed his front door hurriedly and headed towards the park.
11:07. he paused to pluck one perfect blossom off his neighbor's bush and tucked it into his pocket.
11:10. he took his usual spot, perched on the lip of the stone fountain, leaning over the water, waiting.
he glanced at his watch.
11:11. his hands slid into the icy water, feeling around for the coins - the wishes - before pulling up four. his hands dipped again and came up with three. he tried for a third time and was just pulling out the last one when...
11:12. damn. he threw it behind him onto the sidewalk.
seven coins. he laid them out flat on the stone lip.
three were rusted - they were thrown out.
one was a token that read "no cash value" - it was thrown out (cause everyone knows you cant steal a wish for free).
two were pennies - they were thrown out.
he picked up the shiny, perfect quarter which held in it one shiny, perfect wish, and went back home.

i didnt really plan to put these two characters together, to join their story lines, or to even make them story lines beyond what was written in this blog. but i guess they had different intentions. maybe thats why i could never get out a story for that dude - at all. he was waiting for me to create her so they could have one together. maybe i'll write more for them later... maybe not.

*Wishing and Hoping - Dusty Springfield

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