Tuesday, October 27, 2009

the hardest part is letting go of your dreams

have you ever had a dream that you were annoyed at someone, and then when you wake up you really are annoyed at them because of something they did in your dream? anyways, last night, try as i might, i just couldnt get to sleep. when i did finally get to sleep, i dreamt that i was waking up after not getting enough sleep or something. i forgot why exactly, but everyone was being so unbelievably obnoxious. grr. i wake up this morning at seven thirty, and i'm already annoyed with most of my family and a few people i'm pretty sure i've never met before.

dreams are great.

*Sleep - My Chemical Romance


  1. Yesterday, I dreamt that I severely overslept. I woke up flustered, and I still had an hour to sleep -_-

  2. stupid dreams. what happened to dreaming about rainbows and unicorns and waking up happy and relaxed?
