back to the point: the eye doctor. i love our eye doctor. he is awesomely amazing and the best one i've ever had (i've been in glasses since i was 5... i've had quite a few). so my family goes and my youngest brother, the only one in our family not to have glasses, is now getting glasses. our entire family is now visually impaired. me and my sisters wear contacts, most of the time, but we're all glasses wearing people inside. ali is excited for the glasses and can't wait to get them. i remember when i got glasses (in kindergarten!), i always "forgot" them in my desk at school. in first grade, my teacher tried to convince me to wear them by saying "me and you will be glasses buddies!" yes, because that is what every first grader wants to be at a new school. the only one in the class besides the teacher wearing glasses (which were as big as my face if not bigger).
anyways, here are some of mumford and son's songs that i said i would put for your listening pleasure. like them... or dont. it's up to you.
*The Cave - Mumford and Sons
NOOOOO....i really didnt want ali to have to wear glasses. or abdullah..but thats too late. but i thought for sure ali would not need glasses. :(
ali wanted to get them from last year and is so excited for them; so be excited for him. the mother is worried that it might make school harder for him, but i dont think so.