i hate it when people, in their about me's, say stuff like 'i hate fake people' and 'i hate two-faced people.' umm... seriously?? do you really hate them?? cause for the rest of us, who werent smart enough to put that in our profiles, those are our favorite kinds of people. given the choice between a two-faced fake person and someone else, we'd obviously choose the fake person. theres no one better to be friends with, no one better to hang out with. a knife in our backs is our favorite present and worrying if our friends are really our friends is our favorite pastime. you should probably also mention in your activities that you do things like breathe and pump blood through your body. we need to know things like this that set you apart from the rest of us.
i do like reading interesting about me's though.
on another note, i was saving a movie i made for class on my flash drive and it was taking forever and half way through saving i pulled out the flash drive. i dont know why. now, i have to resave it. and it's taking forever. again. grr.
on another another note, i want to set up our kiln and buy clay and get back into ceramics.
*Come Right Out and Say It - Relient K
i kno what video ur talking about...the one i saved all the files for so if i needed to i could edit it from home...and now that im home and need to edit it have realized that because i have an XP i cannot open the file...at all. so the space in my inbox was wasted for nothing (not really nothing since i can go to the comp lab and fix it) but still. windows pisses me off... i hate how they make a new OS and the old one basically becomes a useless worthless piece of junk...because it is not compatible with any of the newer OSs...stupid STUPID windows....what about us poor people...and smart people who dont want to buy the crappy vista?!?!?!