Sunday, November 22, 2009

the best reward is earned, and i've paid for every single word


exactly three weeks since i started, and not quite 52k words and 84 single spaced pages later, i have finished.

sure, i dont really like audrey as much as other characters i have written. i dont even really feel that i made her up. i just told her story. and crappy or amazing, polished or not, it is done. and at the moment, i am very fond of it. even if it is complete crap, it's complete. i did it even though it seemed impossible.

aah im excited!

i should probably get over to some of my school work now, but i'll email it out to everyone who asked in the next day or two for you to read whenever. i think i should probably wait a bit to reread it myself though. maybe i'll wait for december which is technically editing month anyways.

i cant believe i actually finished this!

*Chase This Light - Jimmy Eat World


  1. Hahaha @ the commitment label. Super Congrats!!!!! Now I may rightfully say that you obliterated the heck out of that deadline. Go Sarah!

  2. send it now send it now send it noooooowww!!! cuz hish is sick and we're bored and we cud read it. please please please!!!!

  3. Oh yaay, I'm happy for you!
    And I'm sure it's good, even if it's crappy, it's still going to be good

  4. The Flea... thank you! and i didnt think anyone actually looked at the labels lol but it was a commitment.

    Hannah... um since i was with the boys/the grandma/the father all day, i didnt see this obviously. you'll get it when i finish making up a draft to submit to cheng tonight. and grandma wants to know how hish is.

    Mahoney... thanks! and when you read it, if it's crappy, you dont have to sugar coat it with it's good anyways. im happy i did it either way so i just wanna know if its worth editing.

  5. i forgot to tell u that the name audrey grew on me...i like it :)
