Monday, November 2, 2009

keep your drink, just gimme the money

today we (my older sister and i... i feel like i confuse people with my sisters and a lot of people assume i only have one cause i always say 'my sister and i' when i talk about both of them. anyways...) went to see a movie. this weekend has been movie weekend apparently as i've been to the movies four times in five days. so tonight we went to see an education. we always go to the movies and then decide what to watch when we see whats playing. so we got there super early.

anyways, we sit at a table and read the paper (the onion, not a real one). my sister starts complaining that some old guy is staring at her. i shrug it off. i mean, 7ijabis in public tend to draw attention from the older generation. she keeps repeating that he's staring at her and i keep ignoring her. he did get a little creepy when he invited two girls to sit with him, bribing them with beer and pizza. i'm happy to say they declined his offer. then he goes and buys something from the concession stand after staring at the menu forever. he buys a drink and stands next to the napkin/fork/whatever stand for a while. my sister is creeped out and keeps asking if he left yet. i say no.

then he goes back to the cashier guy and it looks like he's either returning his drink or ordering something else. but he goes back to his seat with only his drink, so i figure he did neither. after a little bit, my sister says, "thank god. he's getting on his jacket. i think he's leaving." a second later the cute kid who sold us our tickets comes over to us with two strawberry smoothies.

kid: um... somebody bought these for you and told me to give them to you.
my sister (who looks terrified): can we refuse them? we don't want them.
me: that old guy was creeping us out.
kid: did he say anything to you?
sister: no, but he kept staring and was just just really creepy.
kid: *starts to step back with the drinks* yeah, okay. i thought it was weird.
creepy guy (shouts out):it's okay, i bought them.
really? and here we thought it was the other creepy guy that had. well if it was you then of course we'll take them.
kid (shouts back with attitude): they don't want them. (i liked him.)

who does that?? i mean, unless you're at a bar or something. buying random muslim girls drinks from a movie theater concession stand when you are at least twice their age and having a cute kid deliver them to where they are sitting is just creepy. very creepy.

my sister was freaked out. i thought it was pretty hilarious. i may have sucked out a lot of the hilarity in the telling, though. my brain is tired and not in the mood to narrate.

*You and Your Hand - Pink


  1. he was incredibly creepy... *shudders* oh and i figured out where the actress who played jenny was from.... or where i remember her from at least... she played kitty bennett in the remake of pride and prejudice the one with keira knightly...

    now i can sleep..unless i have nightmares of the old guy... :S :S :S

  2. yeah i figured that out, too, and was gonna tell you today.

  3. This was good, i liked Kid too :)

    Oh how was the movie, I heard that it's really good?

    P.S. - I just started watching all seasons of The Office on Netflix (it's free and I'm on season 4 lool)..anyways Pam reminds me of you, I have no idea why

  4. yes, kid was awesome. the movie was good, i liked it... but the ending seemed a little bit rushed.

    and i've only watched a few episodes of the office, so i'm not really sure if thats a good/bad thing yet... i may have to go watch the seasons on netflix too if i get time. but i think i may like her?

  5. Don't you hate it when creepy guys look at you, I've seen some older guys around my school waiting for lunch so they can check out the slutty high school girls (SO not me). Unfortunety for them they end up with people like me who out memorise were they stand and avoid that area.

  6. Ok I'm in season six. Pam kicks ass, so it's a good thing, and you'll fall in love with Jim. Go watch it ;)

    Oh, I'm watching season six on tvshack and on hulu/nbc (for future reference)
