Thursday, November 19, 2009

it's been a bad day, and tonight my love, it only gets worse

don't you just love the days when you wake up to a bad day and then it surprises you by getting progressively worse in ways you didnt expect? they're the best days - i love surprises.

you know what else i love? waking up over an hour before my alarm clock is supposed to go off and falling back asleep just when it decides to ring. having no phone on the one day of the week that i actually need it. being held up in the morning to repeat the same effing computer advice youve been giving for the past two weeks, realizing youre late, and not finding the pants you want. arriving to campus at 10:06... when the shuttle leaves at 10:05. having a group that never ever ever shows up to class. ever. feeling your iq drop considerably as you read through page after page of lamebook because it's like a stupid car wreck and you cant look away, and theres really nothing better to look at anyways. dealing with my wonderful family. stabbing yourself with the stupid needle repeatedly because youre too annoyed to sew right. getting stupid emails from moronic other group members, and just when you think the university has gone to the proverbial dogs and the students cant get any stupider, your other group decides to prove you wrong.

hunger and migraines go together like peanut butter and jelly. theyre so much better when you have them both at once.

*Never Said Anything - Steven Strait


  1. I wanna meet your group members one day so I can meet them, shake their hands and then ask them why they are stupid... Buckle down, its Friday! You can do it!!

  2. lol yes i was blessed with three fantastic groups this semester. i have never experienced such concentrated stupidity before in my life.

    but yay friday. i'm going to the movies in a bit and then aboodi's birthday. so it should be a good day :)
