Sunday, March 11, 2012

and you're checking your phone

[day sixteen: something you see every morning]

well, we're officially past the halfway mark of this challenge. and yay. today is crazy busy being both my husband's birthday and my nephew's birthday party (his birthday was yesterday). march is a birthday filled month. but i won't get into that. back to the challenge topic.

i see a lot of things every morning. most of the same things that i see all day every day. the first thing i see every morning would probably be my cell phone, though. at least, that's the first thing i look at. i'm practically blind without my contacts or glasses so there's no way i could read the clock across the room. instead, i check the time on my phone. or i turn off the alarm on my phone. or i check who's texting/calling me on my phone. basically, i wake up to look at my phone for one reason or another. most days it's the most attention my phone gets.

*Changing - The Airborne Toxic Event


  1. Happy birthday to everyone and well done on passing the halfway mark... I think the scale of mine is starting to hit home >.<

    Mine's my phone as well... At that time in the morning my phone is the only thing I want to see - whether it has some good news or bad so to speak...

    I really need to turn off my phone wifi and reading all my messages on it in the morning :p

  2. thanks, and yeah i'm already getting sick of the challenge, though it has gotten me back into the routine of daily blogging which is good. so i guess it served its purpose even if the next two weeks will be a drag. good luck with yours.

    phones are trying to take over the world. there's just no other explanation. they are starting with our early morning dependence (which lasts all day for most people) and soon they'll rule us all. and we're too busy worrying about robots and zombies to notice.

    1. They aren't "trying"... they are "succeeding"
