i was listening to the radio this morning - the kane show on 99.5 - when he plays this recording of a lady who called the police because she was locked in her car. yes, you read that right: in not out. there's a family guy episode where brian is listing examples of peter's stupidity and he mentions the time that peter locked the keys out of his car - you see a flashback of peter sitting in the car staring desolately at the keys which are sitting by the street. you laugh because its hilariously stupid. no one can be that dumb. apparently, they can. this lady called the police saying her car wouldnt start and she was locked inside it, nothing electrical on the car would work. what did the police call answering lady suggest? trying to unlock the door manually. genius! the lady locked in her car says doubtfully "well i'll try that" and voila she's able to escape her car! she goes on to say reassuringly, "i'm all right." really?? you called the police because you were locked IN a car. doesnt sound all right to be. sounds like there are too many stupid people walking around in this world. anyway, she called AAA and got home safely.
*Stupid Girls - Pink
Oh Sarah, you are waay to hard on your people ;)